Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dates and more info for Iowa trips:

River Bend Church admins and pastors-  Please publish this info in  your next and subsequent bulletins as you see fit.  Thanks!

All-  There are dates and some ideas set for some upcoming trips to Iowa for flood relief.  

Who-  we are looking for making teams of 10 or so (15 at the most).  We didn't talk about age limit.  I think we are still looking at adult trips.  If you think a youth age trip would be a good idea, we could consider it, as long as there is a leader for the trip.  Some of the trip weekends we have in mind do not have ANY leader yet.  

What-  Most of the work is still demolition and clean up.  This means carrying, knocking down, cleaning up, etc.  I think most people of all abilities will be able to find something to do.

How much-  We are asking for $15 per day.  This will cover meals.  There is some left over NOLA1 money to help offset some of the other costs.  

Where-  This depends on the week-  We will typically leave on the Friday night before, and return on Sunday afternoon.  Obviously, other arrangements can be made since this is not a very far drive (compared to New Orleans!)  In some cases, a team leader may leave a day or two before and the rest of the team will meet them down on Friday night.  These are details that can be worked out with the team leader.  

July 26th-27th-- Going to Mason City.   -  More details available about this trip-  Leader:  Linda Emerson and Rod Scofield
August 8-9  --  Going to  ? (Probably Cedar Rapids)  --  Leader:  Rod Scofield and ?
August 15th-16th-  Going to?  --
August 22nd-23rd-  Going to? -- 
September 6th-7th-  Going to?--  

How will we get there?--  Probably take our cars and trucks.  This is a pretty easy detail to work out.  

Where will we stay?--  Probably in a local church on a floor.  

What to bring-  Sleeping bags/pillows, work clothes, (long sleeves and pants recommended!), gloves, boots recommended, your own hygiene equipment (shampoo, etc.-  I will try to find us a place to clean up each day.)  More specifics later.  (when we know more about what, "exactly" we will be doing.)

How to sign up-  Send an email to Rod Scofield ( or call him at 651-248-8495.  He will make sure you get signed up and the info you need.  Call or email with further questions.  


Saturday, July 05, 2008

Invite to Iowa

First let me tell you that I've sent this out to a buhzillion people.  (85 to be approximate.)

We are talking about taking a few teams to Iowa for helping clean up and rebuild as we are able.  These would be weekend trips-  probably leaving on a Friday evening, and returning on Sunday afternoon.  There are no dates set in stone yet.  There is no cost approximation.  There are no logistics planned out yet.  There is really just a vision to help out.  

We will have an info / interest / planning meeting on Sunday, July 13th at 2:00pm at Salem UMC.  Let me know if you are interested but unable to attend.  We will welcome your input.  

Carol-  feel free to forward this Jim and Connie and to anyone else you might think is interested. 

I have also already invited past team members and River Bend pastors.  

We look forward to hearing from you / seeing you.  

Email or call with questions or comments or snide remarks.  
