One of the sayings in our country (South Africa) is Ubuntu – the essence of being human. Ubuntu speaks particularly about the fact that you can't exist as a human being in isolation. It speaks about our interconnectedness. You can't be human all by yourself, and when you have this quality – Ubuntu – you are known for your generosity.
We think of ourselves far too frequently as just individuals, separated from one another, whereas you are connected and what you do affects the whole World. When you do well, it spreads out; it is for the whole of humanity. (taken from Wikipedia)
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Be The Tool- Marquette1- The end of the first part
When we last left our team, we were getting ready to wrap up. We had finished the roof and were working on finishing the bedroom in the basement.
So in the basement, we got the drywall up and the first coat of mud. We wrapped helped clean up a little outside and inside.
An old friend brought over some pizza for lunch.
And it reminds me about the importance of community. There is an African philosophy (although "philosophy" isn't really the right word and I don't know what is the right word.) called ubuntu which, in a woefully incomplete nutshell, means "we are all in this together and as you are stronger, I am stronger. As you are weakened, I am weakened." It promotes value in humanity as opposed to value in individuality. Bishop Desmond Tutu said it like this:
As Christians, we can relate to this as being a part of The Body. We all have a part or role to play, and someone else does not have a lesser role because he or she is not the head or the hand. The person that brings pizza or picks up shingles or does laundry or hauls brush is just as important as the person who is laying shingles and nailing them to the roof. We all need each other.
So when Troll told me he was coming on this trip, I was pretty excited for a number of reasons, one of which being that Troll has a gift of relating to a lot of different kinds of people, but especially people who would otherwise be marginalized and disregarded. Our homeowners son being one of those people. You can look at Ian (home owners son) and Troll standing together and pretty much get it. (see the pictures- link below). And I KNEW Troll would be a good influence on this family. Troll was definitely called by God to this trip.
And when Roma told me that Ray was going to come, I was really excited because Ray knows how to do just about anything construction-wise. Before Ray joined the team, we were not going to try to tackle the roof, but leave it for a bigger team. When he "got on the bus," we decided we could do the roof. Ray's enthusiasm and positive attitude really helped carry the work this week.
And when I met Annette and Larry, and heard their hearts and saw their love, I KNEW they were in the right place. Annette did such a fantastic job helping manage the cleaning up, that nobody really knew she was managing it. Her sense of humor, compassion, and love for God and for others were in EXACTLY the right place. And Larry did a great job managing the second job in this project. He had the right skill set and mentality to put up the walls and get them sheet rocked in the basement.
Roma and Justin and I played our parts exactly like we were supposed to as well. Justin's knowledge of roofing and roof projects AND his ability to "stick to the roof" made the project possible. Justin could get around on the roof when some of the rest of us thought it was too steep.
And there were people that didn't come from out of town that came by and helped out. Don and Dort offered their home for us to stay in and made us breakfast every morning (if you're ever in Marquette at breakfast time, ask Don to make you a smoothie!). They came to the worksite and helped out each day. They went and borrowed tools and equipment from friends. They ran to Menards for us. They were "here I am. send me" people. Don and Dort exemplify Jesus.
Their daughter, Heidi was also on site every day. Heidi is actually the person that has spearheaded this project. She is the one that introduced us to Jill and Ian and was our liaison. She coordinated some meals and got a few meals donated. She pushed and continues to push for more serving for this family. "Good enough" is not good enough for Heidi. I believe her vision is a complete home make over and I wouldn't be too surprised to see her getting donations above and beyond what we can do, just to bless this family. Not because they "deserve" it or have earned it, but because we are all people.
Brian A. is also in Marquette and is a contractor and helped define the projects and did a lot of the initial evaluation. He also got some materials donated.
Bob M. let us use his scaffolding and ladders.
Bob and Lolly M. fed us dinner and supplied another couple meals.
The list goes on. And on.
The Body.
And it's not over. There is still much to do. Next on the list is a bathroom renovation and a kitchen renovation. There are no cabinets or counter tops in the kitchen. The chimney needs to be tuck pointed. The bedroom in the basement needs to be finished. And there is more stuff to go through and help sort.
Are you called to come be a part of this story? We are trying to pick some dates now to go back. Justin is talking about bringing another team towards the end of the summer. And maybe another team around the beginning of August. Let me know if you're in. There are several ways to participate. First- Your support- pray for us. Pray for the home owner, Jill and her son, Ian. "Like us" on Facebook. Tell your friends to "Like" us on Facebook. Look at the pictures. Tell your church or group about this. Second- Your time- Join us in Marquette. Third- donations: money or materials or meals. To join this story, you can email Rod by clicking HERE.
I did post some more pictures. You can see them here: (CLICK HERE FOR PICTURE SITE)
You can see our Facebook page here: (CLICK HERE FOR FACEBOOK)
Thank you everyone who is and was praying and supporting and reading these emails. You already are a part of the story.
See you soon.
Are you a tool?
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Be The Tool- Marquette1- Day4
I didn't take any pictures today. I don't think anyone else did, either, but I'll get them later if they did.
We said goodbye to Annette and Larry and Justin, who had to head back to Wisconsin. We can't wait to work with them again. More about them later.
But we got the roof done at 4:50pm. Ray is probably the hero of the roof. His leadership and skill and teaching ability really were able to drive this project. It looks good. I'll shoot some pictures of it in the morning.
Troll worked with the homeowner's son on the drywall in the basement. They got a lot done, but not everything. Tomorrow we intend to finish hanging the sheet rock and put the first layer of mud. Roma and I are going to take a lot of things back to Menards (because I bought a little extra here and there- 8 bundles of shingles!!????)
One more day. Roma and Ray head back downstate tomorrow afternoon. Troll and I head back to Michigan on Saturday morning.
On a lot of our trips, Howard reminds us that while we are serving and thinking we are blessing others, the truth is that we are blessed beyond belief by the people we are serving. This trip has been no different. There are some things very different from our normal template of what a trip looks like. We stayed at a house instead of a center. We were given meals by volunteers who believe in what we are doing and want to support us. It has really been a great experience. W'e'll sum things up sometime next week. But it's been a great week. And a good team. And a great week.
We are going to come back. There are still projects in the house that need to get down. If you are interested in coming to join this story, let me know. The plot is good and it is going to end very well.
Until tomorrow.
-- Are you a tool?
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Be The Tool Marquette1 - Day 3
There are more photos posted on our Picasa site. (Or you can get to them via Facebook.
Click Here for Facebook
Click here for Picasa
We got a lot done on the roof today. I was a little surprised we didn't get further, but I think we can finish it tomorrow. In fact, we kind of have to because it is supposed to rain on Friday.
Larry and Troll got a lot done in the basement room they were working on. All the walls are constructed and half the drywall is up. Troll is going to try to get the son of the homeowner to help him do the drywall tomorrow.
Today was Larry and Annette and Justin's last day with us. They are heading back to Wisconsin Thursday morning. It has been fantastic getting to know them and working alongside them. I hope this is the beginning of a long friendship.
Dinner was donated by a local restaurant tonight. Same restaurant owner bought us gift cards for another restaurant for lunch tomorrow. (Jimmy Johns!) After dinner, we went to Presque Isle Park again. Troll jumped off the Black Rocks into Lake Superior. Justin and I were ready for an epic rescue in case he got incapacitated by the cold water, but all was well and Troll feels very good about this trip now.
We can't say enough about the hospitality we have been receiving. Don and Dort have been so fantastic to us. And Bob and Lolly, and even the mail carrier brought us doughnuts. The community taking care of the community. Ubuntu. I am well if you are well.
What a week. Fantastic.
Let's keep going.
Are you a tool?
Re: Be The Tool- Marquette Day 2
Praying for the team.
In Christ's Love and Service,
Pastor Paul Marzahn
612-799-PRAY (7729)
P.S. How may I pray for you?
Sent from my iPhone
We started early today because we had to be ready to meet the delivery person that was going to put some shingles on the roof. So we started at about 7:30am at Jill and Ian's. We worked and worked. Ray, Justin, and Roma really worked hard on the roof. Annette and Larry worked in the basement helping set up the new room. There was another guy that came to help that is a friend of Don and Dort's. He was a great help, mostly in getting that room in the basement ready. Troll bounced around between all areas as needed.It is supposed to rain tonight, so we had to get everything covered up where had stripped shingles. We stayed a little long to get it all done. So we have one long side completely covered. One short side mostly shingled, but all felt paper. And the next long side is completely covered with felt/tar paper. Tomorrow, we are going to strip the last side and shingle the long side. I think Thursday we will shingle the last side and do the finishing pieces. I think. Maybe. The good things is that have Friday, too.After working, we went to dinner at the home of a local family. It was fantastic! Bob and Lolly Mager were great to share a meal and share time with. I think that's another representation of the Body sharing time together. We share our lives with each other. People we serve and people who serve us.And again, I'm going to keep this short. I just can't stay up all night anymore.Thank you to the people who have sent us encouragement. It means a lot!And some people found that the picture site needed approval. I think I fixed that and you can just go look at them. (Let me know if that's not right.)Our picture site: click here for photos. (but I didn't put any new ones up yet today)Our Facebook page: Click here for our FB pagePrayer requests for safety on the job site. And productivity.Thank you for your prayers and support!Rod--Are you a tool?
Tuesday, June 09, 2015
Be The Tool- Marquette Day 2
We started early today because we had to be ready to meet the delivery person that was going to put some shingles on the roof. So we started at about 7:30am at Jill and Ian's. We worked and worked. Ray, Justin, and Roma really worked hard on the roof. Annette and Larry worked in the basement helping set up the new room. There was another guy that came to help that is a friend of Don and Dort's. He was a great help, mostly in getting that room in the basement ready. Troll bounced around between all areas as needed.
It is supposed to rain tonight, so we had to get everything covered up where had stripped shingles. We stayed a little long to get it all done. So we have one long side completely covered. One short side mostly shingled, but all felt paper. And the next long side is completely covered with felt/tar paper. Tomorrow, we are going to strip the last side and shingle the long side. I think Thursday we will shingle the last side and do the finishing pieces. I think. Maybe. The good things is that have Friday, too.
After working, we went to dinner at the home of a local family. It was fantastic! Bob and Lolly Mager were great to share a meal and share time with. I think that's another representation of the Body sharing time together. We share our lives with each other. People we serve and people who serve us.
And again, I'm going to keep this short. I just can't stay up all night anymore.
Thank you to the people who have sent us encouragement. It means a lot!
And some people found that the picture site needed approval. I think I fixed that and you can just go look at them. (Let me know if that's not right.)
Our picture site: click here for photos. (but I didn't put any new ones up yet today)
Our Facebook page: Click here for our FB page
Prayer requests for safety on the job site. And productivity.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Are you a tool?
Monday, June 08, 2015
Be The Tool Marquette 1 - The first work day
I'm going to keep this short and sweet because I am exhausted and want to get to bed.
Good first day. Ray helped lead the shingle project. The roof is steeper than we were hoping for. Ray says, "I can't 'stick' to this roof without help." We got a whole side stripped and a few rows re-shiingled. We are confident we will be able to finish. (but it was questionable.) We also started throwing away a lot of stuff that our homeowner don't need anymore, and sorting out what she wants to keep. And we started working on making a wall for a 2nd bedroom.
Saw some old friends from Marquette.
Spent wayyyyyy too long at Menards getting supplies.
There are a few pictures on our Picasa site. Click here to go to our pictures site.
And click here for our Facebook Page (where you can "Like" us!) click here to go to our Facebook page.
Thank you to everyone who sent thank you notes. It was good hear from several people.
Pray for continued safety. And productivity.
All is well
Are you a tool?
Re: Be The Tool in Marquette
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I wish I was physically with you too. God Bless to you and the team!
On Mon, Jun 8, 2015, 12:32 AM Rod Scofield <> wrote:
Hi all! Tomorrow me start our next adventure in Marquette, Michigan. We have (eventually) seven people on this team and a good project to work on.The project is a home we are working on for a single mom in a small home. She has one son with some mental health issues. He is in his 20's and because of his issues, cannot get/hold a job, doesn't drive, and a few other things. She works for a small non-profit and sometimes she gets paid and sometimes she doesn't. Her roof has leaked and other parts of the house have fallen into disrepair. She doesn't have the resources to get the roof and other parts of the house fixed and has had some water damage in the house. She also has a lot of stuff. She isn't a hoarder. But there are a lot of things in this house.The team for this trip doesn't include many of the usual suspects. The team is Rod Sc., from St. Paul, Roma B. and Ray B. from Lower Michigan. Mike "Troll" B., from Atlanta, GA, and Justin H., and Larry and Annette S., from Amery, WI. Rod and Ginger, St. were supposed to come with us, but Rod had a medical issue and it became prudent for them to back out of this one. It's a diverse and multi-talented group.And because of who was or wasn't coming, we waffled quite a bit on which projects we were going to do. We have decided that we are going to work on. We have decided to make a good hard run at the roof. Ray and Roma brought up air compressors and nail guns and shingle shovels. I think we are also going to try to put in the bedroom in the basement. If we don't finish it, we don't lose anything. Whereas if we started the bathroom redo, we are committed to finishing it and I'm not sure we could pull it off AND get the roof done.So far, Troll, (that's Mike B.), Ray, Roma and I have arrived in Marquette. Justin and Larry and Annette arrive tomorrow. They are from Amery, Wisconsin and we are excited to meet them.We are staying at a house in Marquette. The house belongs to Don and Dorothy Sch. They were not here for the first night that Troll and I got here (In fact, they arrived home just as I was starting to type this email.) But their hospitality is sooooo rich. They told us to make ourselves at home and by the notes they left and the food in the cupboard, the agape on our pillows and the way everything was laid out for us, you can't help but know they meant it.We start tomorrow. Pray for safety for us on the roof and for Justin and his contingency in travel. Pray for ease of acquiring what we need. (a dumpster, roofing materials, some more equipment)- and my friend Diane St., says it is against the grain to pray for weather, we really could use some clear days so we have enough time to get the roof done. And pray for our homeowner. Her first name is Jill.We'll post some pictures tomorrow.If you haven't "Liked" us on Facebook, we encourage you to do so. Click HERE to go to our Facebook page.Thank you for your love and support. We'd love to know you are following along with us this week.Rod and team--Are you a tool?
Be The Tool in Marquette
Hi all! Tomorrow me start our next adventure in Marquette, Michigan. We have (eventually) seven people on this team and a good project to work on.
The project is a home we are working on for a single mom in a small home. She has one son with some mental health issues. He is in his 20's and because of his issues, cannot get/hold a job, doesn't drive, and a few other things. She works for a small non-profit and sometimes she gets paid and sometimes she doesn't. Her roof has leaked and other parts of the house have fallen into disrepair. She doesn't have the resources to get the roof and other parts of the house fixed and has had some water damage in the house. She also has a lot of stuff. She isn't a hoarder. But there are a lot of things in this house.
The team for this trip doesn't include many of the usual suspects. The team is Rod Sc., from St. Paul, Roma B. and Ray B. from Lower Michigan. Mike "Troll" B., from Atlanta, GA, and Justin H., and Larry and Annette S., from Amery, WI. Rod and Ginger, St. were supposed to come with us, but Rod had a medical issue and it became prudent for them to back out of this one. It's a diverse and multi-talented group.
And because of who was or wasn't coming, we waffled quite a bit on which projects we were going to do. We have decided that we are going to work on. We have decided to make a good hard run at the roof. Ray and Roma brought up air compressors and nail guns and shingle shovels. I think we are also going to try to put in the bedroom in the basement. If we don't finish it, we don't lose anything. Whereas if we started the bathroom redo, we are committed to finishing it and I'm not sure we could pull it off AND get the roof done.
So far, Troll, (that's Mike B.), Ray, Roma and I have arrived in Marquette. Justin and Larry and Annette arrive tomorrow. They are from Amery, Wisconsin and we are excited to meet them.
We are staying at a house in Marquette. The house belongs to Don and Dorothy Sch. They were not here for the first night that Troll and I got here (In fact, they arrived home just as I was starting to type this email.) But their hospitality is sooooo rich. They told us to make ourselves at home and by the notes they left and the food in the cupboard, the agape on our pillows and the way everything was laid out for us, you can't help but know they meant it.
We start tomorrow. Pray for safety for us on the roof and for Justin and his contingency in travel. Pray for ease of acquiring what we need. (a dumpster, roofing materials, some more equipment)- and my friend Diane St., says it is against the grain to pray for weather, we really could use some clear days so we have enough time to get the roof done. And pray for our homeowner. Her first name is Jill.
We'll post some pictures tomorrow.
If you haven't "Liked" us on Facebook, we encourage you to do so. Click HERE to go to our Facebook page.
Thank you for your love and support. We'd love to know you are following along with us this week.
Rod and team
Are you a tool?
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