Friday, November 02, 2007
Biloxi 4 epilogue
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Biloxi 4- Home again Home again, jiggity jig
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Biloxi 4- on the way home
It isn't that we started that much later than we intended, but we had
to stop a lot. The duct tape that was holding our
weatherstipping/molding around the windshield kept coming loose and we
had to keep applying more. I am afraid the rental company is going to
hate us...
Got into St. Louis around 10:00pm.
Not much really going on today besides duct tape.
We are leaving Sunday morning about 8:00ish. I am hoping we will be
arriving in Salem UMC around 7:00pmish. Anyone wanting to come help
us clean out the van would be welcomed.
Picture 1- the inpector looked at that and said, "Yup, that'll pass code."
Picture 2- This used to be a bridge going from Biloxi to Ocean
Springs. They are building a new one.
Picture 3- Still.
Picture 4- Pastor Rod
Picture 5- Fixing the window
Friday, October 19, 2007
More pictures Biloxi 4
have to climb ladders (she's pregnant). I think it would be harder to
fall off the ladder than to walk in those things. Darold gave it a
Linda responding to something smart somebody said, (who me?)
Troll "helping out."
This is how far Howard got on putting the roof on the back porch
It was pretty rainy yesterday.
Biloxi 4- Friday
up for not sending any yesterday.
Troll and Kristen helped work this morning. What a joy! Bob worked
on the front porch until he had to go to the airport to catch his
plane. He and Elbert and occasionally Rod put some finishing touches
on the porch, then Rod painted some of the trim and touched up other
blue spots.
Howard and Lewis tried to get a back porch built. they got it
partially done. Next team needs to put on the roof of it and the
Corrine and Barbara and Ginger and Rod St. and Erin tried very hard to
get all the painting done in the house. Didn't make it. We gave a
list to Pastor Eddie (from St. James where we are working through) of
what we didn't get.
We took some of the new people and a couple returners around to see
some of the destruction in the daylight. It is an odd balance to
find: Understanding the situation we are in, seeing it so we can
empathise and talk about intelligently vs. getting the work done.
Maybe we would have gotten all the painting done if those that went
around would have worked on painting instead. I think it's important
to get a feel for the area, though.
Great dinner tonight - bbq ribs. wow.
Harold did devotions by phone tonight. Several people had tears
because of his prayer and message for us.
Pastor Eddie took us into the sanctuary and thanked us and prayed for
us and gave us t-shirts. There was another group there with us from
Colorado. (HUGE group!)
I am pretty tired. I am glad to have helped and to have made a good
experience for the participants, but I will be glad to turn the van
north again. I promised to go to New Orleans in April, but honestly,
I don't know if I'll do it. Something to pray about, I guess. And
now, I just got an email from a friend in Colorado who says her
fiance, who is from Africa, wants to come with us next time. I am
feeling better than yesterday. Thanks, Leslie for the Vernors and
chicken soup reminders. I think the remedy is just sleep. So let's
attach these pics and call it a day.
Rod and Ida Mae at the root beer float party
Barbara- how many pics of her do I have like this?
This is Emma's finished kitchen (More pics of her finished house on
the web later)
Pastor Rod at the rootbeer float party
Darold finishing up some task at Emma's
biloxi 4- Thursday
just send a couple quick notes.
Emma Washington's house was given the ok from the city inspector.
She can move in! (Howard has to fix the AC drain or something
tomorrow, and they are going to install closet rods and selves or
soemthing like that.)
She can move in!
Troll and Kristen showed up. Troll did magic tricks for the kids at
the block party. Not a great turnout. The weather was horrible.
Rained a lot today. We gave it a shot anyway. There is another team
in MS from MN and they brought their bus and we talked to them for a
bit. Erin commented on how it is ironic that we had to go to
Mississippi to meet other Minnesota missionaries.
Got some things done at Thomas's house. I had a really really
frustrating day, not understanding what they (Bob and Howard) wanted
done on the porch, and then not knowing how to do it. Elbert and I
got something done on it, but it's just a start and I don't know how
to finish it before we go.
Bob is leaving tomorrow- flying out at noonish.
Short and sweet tonight. Again, sorry, no pics. I'll try to make up
for it tomorrow.
Prayer requests:
Rod Sc's health
Team Unity- Friday might get dicey with starting new projects or not
Safe flight for Bob
Thanksgiving for Troll and Kristen's safe arrival and safe travel
home tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Biloxi 4 Wednesday
done and to leave a little earlier.
We are starting early tomorrow, too.
We are anticpiating Troll and Kristen's arrival tomorrow (friends that
have been on this trip with us before)
We got a lot done. Emma's house passed electrical inspection. Howard
and Darold and Lewis continue to try to get a lot of "Little things"
done so Emma can move in. I guess it's like de-bugging a system.
They are de-bugging her house. Emma wants to have us over for lunch
tomorrow. Howard thinks the last thing that has to happen is for the
gas company to "set the meter." I don't know what it means, but it
sounds like a good thing.
At Thomas's house, Elbert and I got the facia done - just have to
make the corners look good. I think it looks pretty good, but Elbert
isn't pleased with it yet. I really enjoy working with him because we
laugh a lot and because we seem to compliment each other well.
Rod St. and others were working on doors.
Ginger and others got locked into a back bedroom while they were
taping. I don't understand it, but it's funny....
Passed out a lot of flyers for the rootbeer float party. (Judy R.
will be surprised to know we are still using the same flyer she wrote
two trips ago with just minor tweaks.)
We had dinner tonight at a local restaraunt. We tried alligator
sausage. I had an alligator po'boy. (tastes like chicken...)
We are looking forward to the rootbeer float party tomorrow night.
There is another team working down here from Minnesota. They are
coming over to hang out with us. There are a lot of people in the
neighborhood we are working in. Linda called a church a few blocks
between Emma's and Thomas's house and they said we could use their
parking lot. I'm a little nervous about this. Could be LOTS of
Pictures are:
Bob looks like he is surprised
The team eating alligator sausage
Thomas's house from the street
Corrine and Barbara- Wonder twin powers, Activate!
Prayer requests
Howard's daughter works with a school system that had one of their
students attempt suicide. He is in very serious condition
Team unity
The rootbeer float party
That Emma can move into her house this week
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Biloxi 4 the 2nd Work day
We got a lot done today. Howard and Lewis and Darold worked mostly on
Emma's house and are very close to having it ready for her to move in.
The electrical inspector is coming on Wed. afternoon to give the
"ok." Then they will hook up the gas, run a dryer vent and a couple
other little miscellaneous joblets. Corrine took a bunch of pictures
and we'll try to get some of those out this week.
Bob led everyone else in working at Thomas's house. The doors are
hung and almost done. The ceilings are painted, the walls are getting
there, the soffit is "done" and the facia is started.
We found out that the cabinet maker that was supposed to do CeCe's
cabinets a year ago has not followed up on his promise and has skipped
town with some of her money. The cabinets are mostly done, they just
need crown molding. Bob and Howard went over there tonight to see
what they could do for her.
We are still working as a team to find our roles here. There is a
balance in the "work on the houses" verses "be in the community." We
haven't found it yet.
Devotions tonight were phoned in by Bruce. He talked about service
verses helping or fixing. Fixing implies that something is broken,
helping implies inferiority. The goal is serving.
I am sitting at Burger King with Rod St. tonight. He and I were
talking about how much is still left to be done. It is scary to think
about it being more than two years after the storm and people losing
interest in helping. There is still much to do. Who will do it? So
many of us come from such a fast food, attention-deficit, instant
gratification, entitlement mentality that the "fad" of volunteering
fades away and is not longer "in." There are better ways to put
points in the karma bank. Something to think about.
Before we came, a woman from my church asked why we were going to
Mississippi instead of helping out in southeastern Minnesota with the
flood victims. The answer I gave her was that God has called me to
come here, and to lead a trip here. He will and is calling others to
help in Winona and etc. There is still much to do. But it's a valid
question that should be asked. The other response is that the call
from the people in southeastern Minnesota was for experts. The
mucking out and etc. was done pretty quick.
We are starting earlier tomorrow, so I better get off my soap box and
get back to the church and get to bed.
The pictures are:
Erin and Lewis
Bob taking a rest- he's not dead
Rod St. and Linda fighting with hammers in the closet?
Howard working at Emma's house
The man in the middle is Thomas, the home owner
Prayer requests:
Electrical Inspection passes for Emma's house
Joblets at Emmas get done
Safe travel for Troll and Kristen on Thursday
Our block party- gonna be in a rough neighborhood
Team unity
Rest for the weary on the team. (yes, already)
Monday, October 15, 2007
Biloxi 4 the first work day
Howard and Lewis got some electrical issues worked out for her. We
are still trying to get her back in to her house this week. Corrine
and Barbara pointed out some things that were done shoddy by other
Our second home owner is Mr. Thomas Payton. Mrs. Payton went Home a
few months ago, before getting back into their house. We worked on
buying and hanging doors, installing baseboard molding, window sills,
and some soffit work. We are talking about more doors and starting to
paint tomorrow.
We are sharing St. James with another group from Colorado at dinner
time. Crowded, but neat to hear what others are doing.
Devotions by Lewis in the morning, and Linda at the Ocean in the evening.
Elbert G. is fitting in very well, although he only was at one
planning meeting. The man seems to always be singing and filled with
joy. What a joy!
As a team, we struggle a little bit with work vs. being in the
community hearing others stories and seeing the destruction. We
talked about it some more at the ocean tonight. I think we are at
least understanding the differing opinions. ("We are here to work!"
and, "We are here to connect with the people.") It's not an either
or, but a balance we are trying to find.
Prayer requests:
For a past team member, Harold.
Team unity
Vision to see what God wants us to do.
Courage to do it.
The rootbeer float party coming up
Safe travel for Troll and Kristen coming on Thursday to be with us for a day
The other groups working everywhere
People still not back in their homes.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Biloxi 4- The trip down
Picnic lunch in Iowa colder than it was in Minneapolis.
Judy and Pastor Bruce passed us on the road. They were on their way
to Wartburg to see their son play. That was a surreal experience.
Driving down the highway in Iowa, and here comes a car with Judy R.
halfway out the backseat window, waving like crazy. I told Bruce I
hoped it was a secret plot to come with us again. He laughed at me.
How often do you see your friends hanging out car windows in other
Spent the night in St. Louis.
Lewis is no saint. This morning he turned on the light in our room at
6:00am. I asked what he was thinking and other mean things. We laugh
about it now (at least out loud)
Stopped in Arkansas for lunch at a rest stop. When we left, we heard
a flapping sound on the roof of the van. We pulled over, didn't see
anything, pulled back out, heard the noise, and pulled over again.
This time, Linda noticed that the weather stripping around the
windshield was coming loose. 45 minutes and a small roll of duct tape
(wanna buy a duck?) we were on the road again.
Running, late- we arrived in Gulfport around 8:15ish. Ate dinner at
the Waffle House!
The setup at the church is a little different, but I'll tell about that later.
Howard has been here for a few days and has scoped out the jobs. It
looks like we will be able to get Emma Washington into her house this
If anyone doesn't want this email each day, let me know. I'll take
you off the list.
Prayer requests:
Pray for a team member that was with us last time: Harold. -
especially Monday
Team unity
Vision to see what we should see this week.
Sorry- no pictures tonight. Apparently, I forgot to bring my camera
with me to do this email. (I drive down to a Burger King where there
is a free WiFi connection.)
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Biloxi 4 A week before we leave
We are almost ready to go on our next Biloxi Trip! We leave in a little under a week. Amazing. This trip seemed to come up fast. It seems like just last July I was talking to Barbara S. about maybe trying to push this trip out a little farther to see if we could regroup a little more after the summer. Then our new pastor, Pastor Carolyn said she was all ready to go and had been planning on it and Erin C. said she had already requested the time off, so Barbara and I looked at each other and said, "Ok, here we go, then!" It has been a quick couple months planning. Since we have done it three times already, some of the planning I have taken for granted, and some of the things that Pastor Bruce used to do, I am now finding out about because they have yet to be done...
I am getting ahead of myself- Let me first welcome and invite the new people to this prayer team.
Some of you have been praying for us from the beginning of our Biloxi trips, and some are just getting a group email frpm me. For those that don't know, you are a part of a team of people that I send an email to each day telling how things are going on our trip and how you can pray for us. I have in the past, sent a couple photos, but I think this time, I am going to try to set up a link so you can look at pictures in an online photo album each day if you would like. Also, this email will be posted on a blog.
I don't want to intrude on your email boxes uninvited, so I am asking those that would rather not get these emails to please let me know, and I'll take your name off the list. I imagine that since this list is going to 164 people (plus the team!) That it will find it's way into many people's junk mail. I am trying to find a way to avoid that. So if you could do me ONE favor at first, and if you are willing to receive this email each day we are on the trip, then let me know and I will make sure you stay on the prayer list. If you don't want to get it, let me know that, too, and I'll take you off. If you would rather get an email at the end with a link to the blog and pictures, let me know that, and I'll make that happen.
One of the ideas I have about staying out of people's junk email boxes is to send this to about 10 people who will send it to about 10 others. If you are willing to forward this to some of the other people this group, tell me and I'll get you the email addies of some folks to send it to.
Back to business....
Planning has been going ok. At the beginning, Corrine and Barbara and I met at Barbara's house and talked about the challenges we saw were recruiting and fund raising. Over the next two months, we raised almost the same amount that we have in the past. Barbara's church was doing a fundraiser through the Outback Steakhouse. They donated 100% of the cost of a steak dinner if we sold tickets for it. We sold almost 100 tickets at $15 bucks each. We raised over $1100. Jim P. sent some letters to some businesses and we got a $300 check. Pastor Rod S. (The Other Rod) suggested we talk to the South Robert Street business association. They gave us $500. We didn't raise as much at our 4th semi-annual Half-Baked Variety Show, but it was a fun turnout. Went a little long, but fun. I think the show stopper for this one was the Lego demonstration by Pastor Carolyn's son.
Team members this trip are:
Rod Sc. (me)
Barbara S.
Corrine M.
Linda B-H
Erin C.
Howard N.
Bob N.
Lewis W.
Pastor Carolyn
Pastor Rod St.
Ginger St.
Darold S.
Lewis has a friend that is possibly coming, too, but I haven't met him yet.
Pray that we get everything ready in the next couple days. That we see anything we missed. That we raise enough money to do the project we are called to do. Team unity.
More later.
Again, let me know how/if you would like to receive this.
Peace and Joy!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
A New Orleans Report
Some of you know that I am in New Orleans right now, at a conference
hosted by the United Methodist Church. Myself and two others are here
representing Minnesota at an event they are calling a big thank you
for all the work we have done to aid the recovery after Hurricane
I flew into Gulfport Wednesday night. I rented a car and stopped in
to see Ida Mae (a previous home owner we helped). She is doing well
and says that everyone that has helped has been so nice. I also drove
by Ms. Washington's house. Her house was dark and it was hard to tell
if there is anyone living there. I will try again when I go back to
fly out. It was a little strange to be in Gulfport without a team.
I drove to New Orleans that night and checked into my hotel. It takes
just over an hour to get from Gulfport to New Orleans. The next
morning, I got up and drove around for a while. It is very sad. It
seems to me that New Orleans is nowhere near the level of rebuilding
that I've seen in Biloxi and Gulfport. I don't know if it's because
the red-tape and beaurocratic barriers or because of greater numbers
of people affected in a more highly populated area. It is hard to
The event started with a bus tour of some of the affected areas. We
stopped at three different churches that are worshipping in their
buildings again. They all said that the reason they are back in is
the connectional United Methodist church gave so much. They talked
about covenants with other churches all over the United States (and
beyond.) Part of the tour included the 9th Ward, which is still
mostly empty of people and many many many homes to be rebuilt. We saw
where the levee broke. At another church, they told us that the
affected homes were in a fairly affluent area where homes go for
$350,000. Many of these people didn't want to come back, but couldn't
sell out because their homes cost too much.
After the tour, they showed us a movie at the IMAX theater. Hurricane
on the Bayou. It is an interesting premise that the demise of the
wetlands between the Gulf of Mexico contributed greatly to the
magnitude of destruction.
Dinner was great. I met a lot of people from all over that had helped
out. There were a lot of District Supers there, and Bishops, and
pastors and etc. I met the DS from the Biloxi area where we have
served before. The Bishops from the affected areas all spoke about
the progress we've made and thanked us for our service. I extend that
to everyone that has prayed for us and supported our teams
financially, too. So from the Mississippi, Louisana, and Alabama
Conferences, Thank you.
Tomorrow, they are going to talk more about specifically what else has
to be done.
I took some pictures and will send them tomorrow. (or the next day)
Pray for me to be able to see what my/our role is in the restoration
of the Gulf. I will say that I am inclined to want Biloxi 5 to really
be Louisana 1. Pray about it.
Peace and Joy and Hope
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Home from Biloxi3

We got up earlyish in St. Louis yesterday and left around 7:30am.
After an uneventful ride ("Go north here, no, left, no - go the other
way! Who designed Iowa, anyway?") We arrived at Salem UMC just after
6:00pm. We stopped a few times for gas and and we did our final
devotions just outside of Mason City, IA. It was a good bonding time.
When we got into the church, there were people there to help us clean
out the van and we sorted eveything out from the trailer ("Who's is
this? Doesn't this belong to the church in Gulfport? I can't believe
you fit THAT in there! What IS this?")
Now that it's over, I can tell one more story that I was sworn to
secrecy on when it happened.
I think it was Tuesday night and Bob and Howard took Bruce and Jim
back to their hotel for the night. (side note: The hotel was not
paid for out of group funds- more on where the money went later)
They stopped at Home Depot to pick up some things we would need in the
morning. Bruce was pushing a cart and they set a bucket of drywall
mud on it. Bruce suggested to Jim that he have a seat on the bucket.
Jim took a seat and let Bruce push him around Home Depot. At one
point, Jim said, "Faster, Daddy! Faster!" Well, when they got
outside, he said it again, and Bruce gave the cart a little extra
speed. The cart made a crazy unexpected hard turn and Jim fell off
the bucket and the cart. (It's all fun and games till someone breaks
a leg, right?)- The next day, he walked to breakfast, was sore, and
decided to sit out that day at the hotel. The next day he came to the
worksite for a half day and then went back to the hotel. Jim
remained in great humor the entire time. He laughed and joked and
continued to show immense joy. When he got back to Minnesota, he went
to the Doctor on Saturday and found that indeed, he had a break in his
leg. - He is wearing a brace for a few weeks. He continues to laugh
about the whole thing. Amazing.
It was a good trip.
Upcoming: Biloxi 4 "There ain't no more!"
Biloxi 5 "Keeping it alive!"
Biloxi 6 "The Revenge of Katrina"
Biloxi 7 etc.
How many Rocky movies were there?
I'll do some summing up after the show and tell dinner.
The Show and Tell dinner will be THIS Sunday night, the 6th. at Salem
4:00pm- team arrives (set up and SHORT team meeting)
5:30pm- Gumbo!
6:15pm- Pictures
7:00pm- Root beer floats
Prayer requests:
FAST healing for Jim's leg and ankle
Recouperating for all the team
For the next team that will work on Ms. Washington's house
For the ministry of St. James Baptist Church and Disaster Recovery Ministry
The pictures:
The women at the Arch in St. Louis
Harold has been worked to death
On the Road AGAIN!
Troll at the Float party
Teresa hard at work and with a smile!
On the way home
We made good time.
We are getting along pretty well.
We got into St. Louis just before 7:00pm. Taffy had asked if we could
see the Arch, so we went downtown. It was nice to play around a
little bit at the Arch (really, just a parking lot right there.) We
took some good and funny pictures. We got to the church and then went
out to grab pizza at a place we've been to two other times we came
There was some talk about going straight through, but when we stopped
in St. Louis, it was obvious we needed to rest.
I talked to Randon who arrived with his team at their home early this morning.
Tomorrow we say goodbye to Bob and head north. We intend to leave by
7:00am~ maybe pulling into St. Paul at 5:00ish. - give or take.
Thanks to everyone who has been praying and supporting. Thanks to
those that sent letters to us in Gulfport! Thanks to Troll and
Kristen for showing up!
I will post a billion pictures on photobucket next week.
That's really about it for today.
Prayer requests:
Team unity
Safe travel
Eyes to continue to see what God is showing us
Thursday, May 10, 2007
A day that didnt' go as planned Biloxi3

As I write this, I am not in Memphis, which is where I'm supposed to
be according to our itinerary. We are still in Gulfport. We decided
to stay to finish the cabinets which we bought today for Ms.
Washington. Sometimes when you send out emails like this, you want to
only share the good things, but some days aren't like that. There was
some drama and hard feelings today in making the decision to stay. I
learned that I didn't prepare this team well enough to handle
conflict. Maybe I should start at the top.
We started out the day groggy and during breakfast we made a plan
determining what we were aiming for, time wise. I thought we had
decided we just couldn't get the cabinets done. And I was worried
about finances to pay for them and still get home without hitting our
credit cards any more than we would have to. We got to the work site
and set to- people with a mission! (Really!) And we got a lot done.
And then Pastor Hartwell got there and took Bob and Susan and Jim to
the cabinet store to price and look at cabinets. This was only an
hour before we were supposed to start cleaning up and sorting tools
and getting ready to head to Memphis. There was a lot of running
around to do with getting Bruce and Jim checked out of their hotel and
Fast Forward to 1:30pm. We are eating lunch and sitting down to talk
about what we're going to do. Most people were preferring to stay and
finish, but a few were preferring to get going and stick with the
original plan. Some tempers got heated and I can only imagine how it
would have gone if y'all had NOT been praying for unity for us. Not
everyone was happy with the decisions, but now as I write this,
everyone is cooled down and we have joked around together and played
on the beach together since.
I got a call this morning from a friend in Texas who wanted to donate
some money. She Western Unioned some to us here to help make sure we
have enough to do what we said we are going to do and still get home
without hitting our cards. (Each of the team members has paid to come
on the trip). After I picked up the money, I called to thank her and
she said the amount she sent was the amount she found in a cup
yesterday. It was for something else some time ago, but now it was
found and she believes it was sent for us to use. God is amazing.
So we are here in Gulfport tonight, one more time, I'm in the Burger
King parking lot typing up this email. Here is what we accomplished
on Ms. Washinton's house:
Fixed drywall "errors"
Sprayed/Textured the ceiling
Bought the cabinets and got them to the house
Installed MOST of the base line cabinets
Put in window sills on all the windows
Finished putting up trim siding on the house
Finished installing soffit and soffit vents
Put in screens in the attic at the attic vents to prevent bats
Jacked up the house to remove temporary supports and leveled the house
on concrete pillars.
Built a temporary hand rail on the front porch
It was a lot. We spent about $3100 dollars (most of it on cabinets)
Tomorrow we leave early for St. Louis. We are skipping Memphis
entirely (besides just driving through.)
Taffy has asked to see the Arch, so we will try to swing by it. (It
isn't exactly on the way to the church we are staying at)
We should still be in St. Paul by Sunday night.
Prayer requests:
Team unity!
Save travel!- lots of driving hours tomorrow
Thanksgiving for a lot of work well done
Thanksgiving for a lot of friends we have made
Thanksgiving that Bruce and Jim have made it home safely
Maybe more team unity.
Pictures are of:
Barbara with a mission!
Corring and Bruce putting up soffit
Erin hard at it
Erin putting up soffit
Playing tonight in the ocean
Jim with the cabinets
Rod with power tools - (WHO let that happen?)
Susan's place in the truck
Bob and the cabinet project as far done as we can get it
The girls
The three virtues
More pictures will be posted at our photobucket site once I get back.
It was hard to narrow it down to this few!
Good night. Long drive tomorrow.
Biloxi3 Day Something
Things Rod did today:
Spent a lot of time cutting and postitioning ONE piece of wood for soffit
Went to meet with a local United Methodist Pastor to talk about
service trips in the Gulf.
Set up a tent for the root beer floats
Served floats
Got surprised by a surprise visit from Troll and Kristen. They just
showed up. amazing.
Took Erin and Harold to the Ocean~ Walked in the ocean
Talked money with Susan.
Things Bruce did today:
Got stung by a hornet
Twisted his ankle
Put up lots of soffit
Met with the pastor we are working for.
Spent a little time with Randon and the Wartburg crowd at the rootbeer
float party
Things Barbara did:
Many things
Missed her flight back to MN
Decided not to buy another ticket and ride back with us
The rootbeer float party was fun. Troll and Kristen and a friend of
theirs from Atlanta showed up and did magic tricks with the kids that
were there. It was great to see them.
We tried to talk Cynthia (our cook) into coming back to MN with us.
Tomorrow we may think about kidnapping.
We have a lot to get done tomorrow. Tonight Howard and I talked about
priorities and what we can realistically get done tomorrow.
Howard and Lewis went to see another previous homeowner that we worked
for last October. (CeeCee)
Prayer requests
Team Unity
Our finances.
Safe travel to Memphis
Thanks all!
What day is it? (Wed) Biloxi 3

Hey all-
I just got done typing up the letter and then I lost my signal and lost it.
One of the biggest differences about this trip and the past two, is
that this one is much more work driven. We have not taken time to
socialize among other people or really, all that much as a group,
either. We haven't had time to play. This isn't a complaint, just an
We are trying to get Ms. Washington into her house.
What we are supposed to accomplish:
More sanding drywall
spraying the textured ceiling
priming the walls
finish the soffit (we have about two thirds done)
put up trim on the siding
acquire and install cabinets.
I'm nervous.
Today Bob taught me how to do some drywall. (some)- I felt a little
like Troll on our first trip when he was excited about putting up the
ceiling fan. He had never done anything like it before. He was proud
that he did it himself, nobody yelled at him, and people walked under
it. Bob had me build a header and then enclose it in drywall. I did
and you can't tell it was ME that did it! People walk under it and
nobody yelled at me. Bob is a fantastic addition to our team. He
knows billions about building, and is also a good manager and teacher.
He used to be a Navy SEAL and has an MBA. Anyway, I would love to do
another trip with him sometime.
We decided to do the rootbeer float party at the church tomorrow night.
People are starting to talk about Biloxi 4
Prayer requests:
Team Unity
Henry Pippin
Our health
The pictures:
Howard coming down off the roof (Don't Jump!)
Bob (Howard's brother)
Harold demonstrating "Safety First" (please don't anyone show this one
to his mother!)
Teresa -