Friday, April 25, 2008

Fwd: Updates and last minute requests

Wendy and Bruce and Jake-
Wendy and Jake-  were you planning on coming to the commissioning service?  
Wendy-  can we do a couple songs?  Do you know if Ron is coming?  
Bruce-  any requests?  - -  do you have any power point needs?  
Jake-  Maybe I'll try to throw you some pics of the past trips to have circulating on the screen.  -  

Everyone else-  

Bendu will not be able to come with us.  She has some other commitments that she will be attending to.

Corrine will not be able to come with us.  We need to pray for her and for Laurie.  Laurie has not been doing well, and in fact, was hospitalized.  She was released from the hospital, but needs her mom right now.  Corrine sounded pretty sad that she can't come and we will surely miss her.  

Elbert will not be coming.

Current plan is that Troll will be meeting us down there on the 30th and staying with us until we leave.  

Jim P. is back in the hospital.  You may know that last week he had surgery to deal with some colon cancer.  He was released, but readmitted the next day because things just weren't working properly.  He said he is going to stay there until he knows for sure he's far enough on the road to recovery.  He said that the pre-surgery checks showed no evidence of cancer in the lymph nodes, but there is a small, mysterious spot on his lung that the doctors pointed out, but don't seem too concerned about at this time.  We talked awhile on the phone, and he sounded like the same Jim that we all know.  

I need a couple things done before the big migration-

Jeff-  Howard will need a check for $175 made out to A to Z Rental.  He is going to pick up the trailer on Friday.

Jeff-  Can you pick up the T-shirts either Thurs or Friday?  They are in St. Paul at Merri Lynn Printing on Como.  I don't know how much they will cost for sure, yet.  I'll call them Thurs. to see if they're done, and let you know.  If you can't do it, let me know and I'll see if I can get Ali or LInda B. or Dave or Susan to go get them, but then they would need to get a check from you. 

I will need someone to help me pick up my car after the commissioning service, or to ride with me to pick up the van.  Problem is that I won't know what time I can get out of work until I get out of work....  - After commissioning, my car will be in Minneapolis, up by Broadway and Stinson.  Kind of.  

Erin or Ali or Matthew-  can somebody pick up window paint for the vans?  You guys hash it out.  

Darold-  On that sheet I gave you, there was a list of who is doing devotions.  Can you do devotions on Thursday evening?  

Deb-  Can you do change your from Thursday evening to Saturday morning?  

Rod and Ginger-  Thank you for letting us use your van.  Let me know if you need anything done to get it ready.  

Gary, Darlene, Bob, and Troll-  Can you each see if you can bring a flag from your state.  I have a Minnesota flag from the party rental we can use.  They like to fly flags above their headquarters of the states represented by volunteers.  They like that 3x5 size.  If you can't, let me know and if I have time, I might see what it would take to track one down.  Depends on time.  (Troll-- please do not bring a Confederate Flag....)

Darlene-  Sandi H. may possibly be making brownies to send with you for me.  Maybe you want to call her and see if they're ready yet....  

That's all I can think of for now.  -  


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