Saturday, May 02, 2009

NOLA 2 Friday

Last work day-

Howard's house finished the first coat of mud on their drywall.  Bob N. said they used 400 lbs. of mud....  they also finished the porch roof and started putting soffit on it.  

Darold's house finished the laminate flooring in both bedrooms, washed the house, finished painting the inside, and did a lot of cleaning up of Herbert's stuff (Herbert is the home owner--  I have posted some of this info on the Picasa pictures site, and some on previous blogs, can't remember what's repeat and what's not)

The people at NDRI (Northshore Disaster Recovery, Inc.) wanted their tools back by 3:00pm, so we had to stop early.  I think if hadn't had to cut out early, Roma and I could have gotten a good part of the laminate flooring done in the living room.  -  And Bob could have had the folks there get a couple more rooms 2nd coated with drywall mud.  

But that's not the only reason we are here.  It's not all about trying to get all the work done.  It's about interacting with people, serving where needed, growing in faith with each other, and learning more about the area.  For some, the value of getting as much done as possible, verses the value of positive relationships with the people are we are working for and with is a difficult conflict to reconcile.  The best thing to remember, I think is "It's not about you/us."  If we have a huge desire to get something done, or see one more site, or whatever it is, I think we need to check the motivation and ask if what we are trying to do glorifies God or assuages our earthy wants.  Much easier said than done.  

So we knocked off a couple hours early.  We ran a few errands around Slidell and went to dinner at a new restaurant called "Crayfish Paradise."  It just opened around Easter.  

So have you ever had Crayfish?  They are boiled in something spicy.  And they look like mini-lobsters.  They look EXACTLY like something I dissected in High School!  -  So anyway, you break off the tail, peel it, eat the meat on that's on the inside.  Then you take the other part you broke away from (The head) and you suck the juice out of it.  Ask Jake S. how that is.  He was a trooper and tried it and liked it and at a lot of it.  

Howard flew out today. 

We are kicking off early (8:00am....) and going as far as St. Louis tomorrow.  I usually have a tough time finding a wifi signal at the church we stay at, so don't look for an email from me tomorrow night.  

Roma and Jill fly out tomorrow p.m.  It was great working with Roma on the flooring project.  And it was great to have Roma and Jill from my hometown in MIchigan along with us.  It was good to catch up and hear the latest news.  

Ok- that's all for now.-  Go to the blog and click on the link for the pictures.  There are over 100 pics there and they almost all have captions.  Some are out of order but you'll get the ideal.  

Pray for:
Safe travel.  
Continued unity
Low gas prices?

Thanks all!

The spiritual life cannot be made suburban.  It is always frontier, and we who live in it must accept and even rejoice that it remains untamed.
--  Howard Macey

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