Wednesday, October 14, 2009

NOLA 3 Tuesday

Tonight, I will make this quick and this note is the same as the blog entry.  

Great day-  Rained hard for awhile, but otherwise pretty hot and sweaty!  

Today, Ali found a pretty big cockroach and offered it to Donna for something to cook for dinner.  Donna agreed, but said that Ali would have to skin and filet it.  (We had spaghetti for dinner)

Bob's team reset the cabinets correctly and did a lot of mudding and taping, and general cleanup inside and outside.  

Howard's team put in a door, made a screen for a front door, and prepped for laying (re-laying really) some tile.  

I think the folks over at the supply shed (where we had our original orientation and where supplies are kept-  hmm) are getting tired of us needing more and more stuff.  Howard was stymied by the lack of a hammer drill.  And here all this time I thought a hammer and a drill were different.

After dinner, Jim P. did devotions with us over the phone.  He says he is recouping pretty well.  

I also talked with Pastor Carolyn today.  She is getting better now, too.  

And Jeff never did get real sick.  But his wife is just now getting better.  

So thank you for your prayers in all this!  

After dinner, some of us walked to Jackson Square.  There was a guy there playing a "glass harmonica," which was a bunch of different sized glasses filled to varying levels with water.  He played several different songs on them.  It was kinda hokey and kinda neat.  Certainly something you don't see every day.  

I posted more pictures on the Picasa website.  Take a look by clicking here.  Pictures!

Ok that's all for now.  

Thanks for your prayers and emails and comments on the blog 

More tomorrow.


The spiritual life cannot be made suburban.  It is always frontier, and we who live in it must accept and even rejoice that it remains untamed.
--  Howard Macey


Anonymous said...

Thinking and Praying for all of you. Thanks for the posts....I miss being there! Jill

Unknown said...

Good to read all these stories.

Stay out of those fire ants!! Benedryl works well for those bites!

Did you have the Gumbo? Is it still fantastic? I have been so craving Lil Rays Gumbo!

Keep up the good work!
Praying for you all - PC