Monday, October 17, 2011

D.C. - New York - Day one on a new mission adventure

Dear Rod,

Greetings in Christ!  Thanks for the Missions update.  Our group and staff will continue to keep you in our prayers.  Mission Immersion DC-NewYork left Friday night.  We had one person cancel last minute so we drove by Eko-New Market and picked up an intern Jeremy Morris to take her place.  He has been a real God send with his guitar and worship leading skills. Thus, Pastor Paul can preach, bus drive and not have to play guitar as well.  The 24 hour bus drive went well and we are staying at a Lutheran Church in downtown DC. We worshiped today at “Luther Place” and enjoyed the music and message.  We spent the day touring the Capital on foot and were blessed to see the Martin Luther King Memorial dedicated today.  We enjoyed the music of Steve Wonder, Cheryl Crowe, James Taylor and others.  For supper we ate Pizza in the park and fed homeless persons nearby.  An interesting side note is the DC revolt taking place similar to the one on Wall Street. We ate lunch with the protesters and listened to a variety of speakers discuss anti-war and other  issues.  At 8:00 tonight we went to the women’s shelter nearby and played BINGO with them.  Our kids learned that homeless persons come from a variety of backgrounds.  One was a teacher who lost her job and another one was homeless because of a divorce and her husband did not pay support like he promised.  Tomorrow we spend the day making food for the homeless and learning more about why systemic poverty exists.  Pray for us in DC as we pray for those serving in Minot.

In Christ’s Love and Service,
Pastor’s Paul and Deb Marzahn

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