Thursday, October 16, 2014

Crisfield2 - the 4th Work day

Both teams got a lot done today, but that's not the coolest thing that happened.

Michelle, one of the home owners stopped by after hours and told us how much she appreciated our help getting her house ready.  (She has framed walls and can see where her living room is going to be!)  She told us her story about the storm-  (see previous blog post).  And she gave us a Smith Island Cake click here for more info on Smith Island Cake.  Home made.  The best part wasn't the cake, but that was good, too.

In our crowd funding, we promised to write donors names on building material we were using.  That got done today.  See the pictures on Facebook or our Picasa Site to see them.  -  It's kinda neat to see all those names together.

Tomorrow we wrap up and cleaning out our rooms and the site we're staying at.  Then if we have time we will bum around town for a little bit, and then we have reservations for dinner at 6:30 at a local restaurant.  And then Saturday morning, we kick out of here early.

It's been a good week.  -


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