We knew when we started that this was going to be a short work week. We didn't quite get done today, though.
We fixed the ceiling. We got a tip from the director of the agency we partnered with in Crisfield to try oil based Kilz instead of latex. We were ready to try it, but we had already bought some latex recommendation from Menards. Lo and behold it worked! We did put two coats on, but it covered and stayed.
The chimney is done. And the water heater is hooked up.
The paint is done. Looks good. (in spite of Rod helping with paint.)
But the trim didn't get done. We rented a mitre saw and then three trips to Menards later, Howard bought a mitre box instead and we finally got some trim on the walls. But not all of it. We will finish it up tomorrow. Probably by noon.
Ron's leg is getting better every day. Thank you for your continued prayers.
I finally started organizing pictures. - BUT you know that Picasa (where we have been posting pictures) is going to that great website in the sky (scratches head and makes a funny face because isn't there something about "the cloud" and clouds in the sky and so aren't all websites in the sky? - speaking of dead websites, did you know that AOL is still a thing? - squirrel!) AS I was saying, Picasa is going away, so I have to post our pictures someplace else. (Flickr?) It will happen soon.
Thanks for the feedback on our website. We have already taken donations via our website (try it! You'll like it!) And we are working on getting some of the "past trips" links fixed.
Stay tuned to hear about how we were involved in what Don promises will become an Olympic game.
Are you a tool?
Christ has no body on earth but yours,
no hands but yours,
no feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out;
yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good;
and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.
(St. Teresa of Avila)
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