Thanks to everyone that is praying for us.
We are working hard to get the things done on this house that they are
hoping to get done. We are a little worried that it isn't going to
happen. We are working on drywall and soffit today. We hooked up
water from the curb hose to the meter (now we can get water from our
own hose as opposed to walking across the street.) We are going to
need to spray the ceiling, finish the soffit, trim on the outside
siding, install cabinets, prime the walls, and everything in between
that has to happen before the listed things can get done.
Ms. Washington stopped by again today. She and her daughter promised
to bring us lunch tomorrow. I took a picture of them for you to see.
Darlene did devotions with us over the phone tonight. Very powerful
about taking risks.
I called Curt Pippen's house tonight while Sue and I were running to
pick up water. He was one of the home owners we worked for last
October. His ex-wife answered the phone and informed me that he had
died in a motorcycle accident last week. Needless to say, i was
pretty shocked. Please pray for Curt's son, Henry. This is an
extremely sad deal. Curt and his son seemed very close. I have
copied an email that Curt sent to one of our other team members last
fall after we had been there.
"Words can not express what you and those that helped fix our bedroom
ceiling mean to us. And it is not just the fact that the ceiling got
fixed and in such a great way, but that you all were willing to help
us. You really let God work through you and it means so much to me
and my son Henry. When I opened the note you wrote and the $100.000
bill out I just broke down and cried to think that you thought so much
of us to do such a kind thing. I have cried more this past year than
I care to think about, but this time my tears where those of gratitude
and thanksgiving not pain like so many of the others I have shed.
You and those with you were truly a blessing and I know that God is
going to reward you, if not in this life here on earth, certainly when
you finally get to meet Him. Thank you again for letting Him work
through you and thank you for helping us here on the Mississippi Gulf
Coast from the bottom of my heart. May God Bless you. Sincerely
yours, Curt and Henry Pippin"
Not much more I can say.
Prayer requests:
Team unity
Efficient and productive work for the rest of the week
Henry Pippin and the rest of Curt's family
Bruce's son Randon has a team from his college in Biloxi. Pray for them, also.
Thanksgiving for all we are accomplishing.
The pictures are of:
Ms. Washington and her daughter
Harold working on the foundation
Rod and Harold and Lewis and Howard jacking up or lowering the house
Corrine hard at it
Where we are staying at. (Men in the trailer on the right. Women in the church)
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