Great day for driving!
Thanks to Bridget W. and Barb L. and everyone else that donated treats
for the road! Erin and Wendy made these sticky rolls that make me
drool just thinking about them!
It was a good day. We left St. Paul around 8:00am after devotions by
Bruce and arrived in St. Louis around 7:00pm.
On the road, we talked with Bruce's son, Randon, who is leading a
team. They left Waverly a couple minutes before we went through. It
felt like we doubled the team.
Awaiting Bob and Bruce and Jim. Bob should meet us here in St. Louis
tonight. Bruce and Jim are going to meet us in Gulfport tomorrow pm.
We are gelling as a team and learing more about each other.
A couple days ago, we added Harold M. to the team. He didn't get a
job before we left, so he decided he could come. He is our computer
hack among other things.
I will get this to the blog as soon as possible with some photos, but
honestly not tonight. I am tired.
Written visuals:
Jim and Bruce and Todd and Linda and Judy at the send off.
Bridget walking into the church with two HUGE buckets of cookies. "If
I had more energy, there would be two more buckets. Now, I'm going
home and going back to bed!"
The windy lunch stop
"Is that my exit?" (quickly veering to the right- I was NOT trying
to lose Sue!)
Calling Mr. Wizard
The upside down cement mixer on hwy 61 in Missouri.
The couch in the room I'm about to go sleep on.
Prayer requests:
Continued unity for the team
Harold suggested we pray for patience in our prayer time tonight. I
don't think he knows how "dangerous" that is.
Safe travel for the road team, and the flight team
Our work projects and home owners
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