Thursday, April 30, 2009
NOLA 2 Wed. and Thursday
At my site, Howard, Lewis, and Jake have finished the ceiling on the front and back porch, and have started the siding part of the job. (For more details, ask one of them, as I was inside taping and mudding drywall all day long.......)
I like to mud.
I like to mud.
I really do like to mud....
That has been my mantra today. I really do enjoy taking the sheets of drywall attatched to studs and making them into walls. I like to and am fairly good at smoothing the ridges out and filling the holes. But we are working on the whole 3 bedroom 2 bath house, and *all* of the walls and ceilings need to be done. We have each found our niche, though. Matthew takes a screw gun and makes sure the screws aren't sticking out. Corrine and I have been doing the inside corners and ceilings, working corner to corner and meeting in the middle. PC and Ali have been sharing the duties also, Ali doing the upper part while PC gets the lowers. Mari seems to always be hiding out in closets, Rod and Jeff are the go to guys for finding the studs to screw the drywall in more securely, while Bob is just a blur, a one man mudding machine!
Through this process of living and working together so closely, sharing meals and sleeping in close quarters, you really get more of a glimpse into the heart of each person. Bob is a perfectionist, but really cares about people and is very encouraging and empowering. Mari seems shy and quiet, but there is a passionate powerhouse somewhere deep in there. And Lewis was a bounty hunter! Who knew?
It is just past midnight, and I am a little sad, because we only have one more day here to do the work we are meant to do, to see and hear and experience and learn what we are meant to, and to make whatever difference we can. Please pray we can be effective, productive, and open to God' leadings, and that despite our sleep deficit, we can finish up strong.
Thank You for all your support and prayers!
NOLA 2 Wednesday
The spiritual life cannot be made suburban. It is always frontier, and we who live in it must accept and even rejoice that it remains untamed.
-- Howard Macey
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
NOLA 2 Tuesday
The spiritual life cannot be made suburban. It is always frontier, and we who live in it must accept and even rejoice that it remains untamed.
-- Howard Macey
Monday, April 27, 2009
Erin here ~
PC, Ali, Mari, Corrine and I played in the mud all day!
We met our homeowner, Will, and he is really funny! He was a Marine and told us of his travels to Okinawa, Greece, Thailand… He has some great stories of his cold weather training in Korea, of all places! Hopefully we can get a picture of him for you tomorrow.
After the workday, we came back to home base and made spaghetti dinner, then devotions by Lewis. Bed is sounding better and better by the moment…
But I had to get this pic out to you first...
Bedtime stories in Memphis...
NOLA 2 Monday
Back at it...

This is the essence of PC and Erin

We decided to get creative with lunch bag art

Erin serenaded us with song and let it translate onto her lunch bag

Unicorn lunch bag

Jeff playing peek-a-boo at lunch
These are a few of the pictures from my camera. I am trying not to duplicate other pictures.
First thing this AM, we were updated on the status of the recovery in the Slidell – New Orleans area. There is still about 6-7 years work left to do. Slidell is about 85%recovered and New Orleans is about 15% recovered. The work is done when volunteers stop coming. There will be plenty of room for you next year. Let me know!
The entire crew set up chairs for 250 people registered to attend an event at Aldersgate and then we were off to respective work sites.
Our team painted doors and closets inside Cheryl Z’s home and power cleaned the outside of her home with chemicals to get rid of mold. Darold, Paul, Roma, and Rod were the washers; Ginger, Barbara, Roma, Jill and Kathy the painters.
Don’t fall Rod!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Friday we arrived at the Lutheran Campus Ministry Center with only minor police involvement... (Fret not, we just asked directions!)
Saturday morning we got up about 7 and I did devotions. As we started south the trees started leafing out and the flowers started blooming in fast forward! So cool!
We lunched at a park near the Mississippi River in Hannibal, MO overlooking Illinois (another state for our rookie travelers!).
In the van, the activities ranged from watching movies together on laptops, munching, playing car twister, great conversations, listening to music, munching, challenging one another to sudoku, groups of 6 playing apples to apples, munching, complaining about the temperature or the bumpy roads (pretty much just to annoy Rod!), munching, trying to read, planning our devotions, munching … We liken it carbo-loading before a big race!
Lewis started our ministry on Saturday night – at Corkey’s, the rib restaurant we ate at, he struck up a conversation with a group of baseball players there to celebrate, just being his friendly encouraging self. What an example of doing God’s work anywhere at any time.
We stayed the night at a great church in Memphis, Covenant UMC, where we had our breakfast and Pastor Carolyn did devotions before heading out.
We got in to Slidell around 3:30ish and met Roma and Jill, who had arrived here this morning and scouted out the sleeping arrangements. We are staying at the volunteer housing at Aldersgate UMC. These are the best bathrooms we’ve had - 4 to 1 people to shower ratio! We unloaded and went our separate ways to go visit some of the families we served on the last trip.
Barb, Ginger, Kathy and I went to go visit Carol Avery. We worked for her all week last trip, and one of the days she made us homemade, authentic red beans and rice for lunch. Mmm mmm mm mm mm…. Excuse the drool…! We liked them so much we got the recipe. Ginger’s church, Faith UMC in West St. Paul, put out a cookbook and Carol’s recipe was in it – she is a author! She didn’t know, so we were able to surprise her with a copy of the recipe book with her recipe in it. She was happy to see us and is excited to tell her friends that she was published!
By the way, if you come hear our stories on May 17th at the Show and Tell dinner, you too can try some!
We stopped for some groceries for tomorrow’s dinner and Pizza for tonight before heading back to home base (Aldersgate) for the night. After Rod’s devotions and discussing the logistics for tomorrow, most headed off to bed… as I will shortly.
Tomorrow we learn what our tasks will be. Please pray for us as we get settled into our places and roles on the job site, and that we don’t limit our ministry to just fixing the tangible, but that we are open to all the needs around us, and that we step outside our comfort zones.
Thanks so much for your prayer and support!
NOLA 2 Day 2 and 3
Pics from Jake's Lappy
Saturday, April 25, 2009
NOLA 2- We depart
The spiritual life cannot be made suburban. It is always frontier, and we who live in it must accept and even rejoice that it remains untamed.
-- Howard Macey