Erin here ~
PC, Ali, Mari, Corrine and I played in the mud all day!
We are working at a house that has most of the drywall up, but the places where the drywall meets needs to be smoothed with tape and mud. Matt was taping for us while Rod St. and Jeff and Bob, among other things, were sinking the screws in deep enough for us to work and making sure the drywall stayed on the wall, very important stuff. While we were inside, Howard, Jake, and Lewis worked on the porch, out by the barnyard.
Yes, barnyard.
Though lacking an actual barn structure, there were chickens, turkeys, ducks, 2 huge dogs and a cow.
I think they might both be Bovine!
We met our homeowner, Will, and he is really funny! He was a Marine and told us of his travels to Okinawa, Greece, Thailand… He has some great stories of his cold weather training in Korea, of all places! Hopefully we can get a picture of him for you tomorrow.
After the workday, we came back to home base and made spaghetti dinner, then devotions by Lewis. Bed is sounding better and better by the moment…
But I had to get this pic out to you first...
Bedtime stories in Memphis...
1 comment:
From the looks of it, Jeff must've been telling tales of his days as a lumberjack!
How're all of you Gumbys' doing? Looks like you are filling physical and spiritual needs where you are. Tacy prayed for weather like youare having for here for Tuesday "cuz, you're like the weather-guy too, aren't you God?"!
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