Monday, March 15, 2010

New Orleans - Spring 2010

Hello all! 
There are still people in the Gulf area who are diplaced.  Still not back in their homes.  4.5 years after Hurricane Katrina. 
We are getting ready to go back next month to serve again.  Our team is looking pretty good, with 22 people signed up for sure, and another 4-5 still trying to work things out. 
Our Outback Steakhouse fundraiser is this Saturday in InverGrove Hts.  If anyone in the Twin Cities wants to participate, shoot me an email and I'll save you a seat.  We still have tickets left for the 11:00am seating. 
As always, if you would rather not have these updates invading your inbox, please let me know and I'll take you off the list. 
You can always check our blog at  And speaking of our blog...
The company I work for talks about having Christian values.  Each year, they send a team to the Domincan Republic to serve with some full time missionaries.  When the earthquake hit Haiti, my company sent our Event Coordinator to the Domincan to help out, because many people from Haiti were crossing into the Domincan for medical and humanitarian aid.  Trish (the Event Coordinator) sent back a few emails about what she saw there in the Dominican and in Haiti.  I am posting her emails on our blog a little later today. 
We are asking for your prayer support.  If anyone is interested in going with us next month, let me know.  I have room in the van, still.  If you are interested in helping out financially, let me know and I can tell you how to do that, too. 
Here we go!
The spiritual life cannot be made suburban.  It is always frontier, and we who live in it must accept and even rejoice that it remains untamed.
--  Howard Macey

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