Friday, October 15, 2010

NOLA 5- Here we go!

Usually, I send out a few more emails before this, reminding people to be praying for us, and reminding people of the Commissioning Service and etc.  

In a couple hours, I will be at the church, loading the trailer and getting last minute things ready for our trip.  It kind of worked out really well that the company I work for is only working 1 shift on Fridays, and this today was the other shift's turn to work.  (the significance of this will come up again in a few days.)  So I had today off, and the ability to run errands, and get a lot done for the trip.  It feels like Christmas.  It's a similar anticipation.  The weather was great, and as I was driving the rental van to go pick up the rest of the things from the party rental and the team t-shirts, it felt like all was right with the world.  I was exactly where I was supposed to be.  Doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing.    A few years ago, my pastor at the time, Bruce Ruggles, preached about operating out of your "sweet spot."  That place where your gifts and interests and heart and experiences all sync together and allow you to bless and be blessed all at the same time.  I've known how much I enjoy doing these trips, but today, it just clicked again.  And I KNEW what Pastor Bruce was talking about.  

I am so excited to be going back to New Orleans to get more people that much closer to being in their homes.  I am excited about the camaraderie that comes from riding for hours on end in a van together.  I am excited the bond that is created when you are working alongside someone else for someone else.  I am excited to see what God has in store for me and for our team this week.  I am grateful that God has allowed me to be a part of this.  

The team:
Howard N.
Barbara S.
Corrine M.
Lewis W.
Bob N.
Ginger S.
Matt. S.
Jeff S.
Kathy B.
Rob W.
Carla M.
Carolyn N.
and me.

I asked the team members to find someone to pray for them personally this week, and specifically this week.  I've asked that they pray that:
1-  We will see what God wants us to see.
2-  We will have the wisdom to understand what God is showing us
3-  We will have the courage to respond how God would want us to respond.

If you want off this mailing list, let me know and I'll take you off.  Otherwise, I'll send out an email once a day or every other day or so.  I have a new little video camera flip thingy, so maybe some video on the way, too.  

Thanks for your love and support.  Feel free to pass this on.  


The spiritual life cannot be made suburban.  It is always frontier, and we who live in it must accept and even rejoice that it remains untamed.
--  Howard Macey

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