Sunday, April 22, 2012

Re: Minot2 home

        My car was in Pipestone at 7 p.m.  Just a half hour behind.  It was a good half hour spent in Moorhead seeing the Hjemkost.  Ask Barb, Louie, or Annie about it.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Rod Stemme
We are home.  The St. Paul people got in around 6:30.  There was some bad weather on the way back.  We ran into some sleet or snow or hail or something white and slippery on the expressway.  There were a few cars in the ditch.  But Jeff S. was driving and kept us "between the ditches" and "greasy side down."  
The Pipestone group got back around 6:30pm and the second vehicle arrived around 7:30am.  (Rod St. cannot go to an area that has any sort of tourist attraction or oddity without going to look at it.)
I will write more later and sum it all up, but for now, thank you for keeping us in your prayers and thinking happy thoughts and sending notes and cookies. 
More to come.
True faith is never found alone; it is accompanied by expectation.  --C.S. Lewis.

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