Monday, April 15, 2013

NOLA 7- Getting there

Hi All!  

Well we made it to Slidell tonight.  A few hiccups and a few funny things along the way.  

When we left on Saturday morning, it was snowy/icy.  Howard said it was the worst roads we've ever experienced on our trips.  The only other time I remember it snowing when we left was in 2008.  There were a lot of cars and trucks in the median.  Because of snow and a couple more stops than normal, we got into Cape Girardeau a little later than usual.  We had a little dinner, did devotions and some "get to you know you" and headed to bed.  There was no wifi in the part of the building I was in, so I couldn't send an update.  

Today we made better time.  Even with stopping for lunch at a rest stop and making our own lunch, we made better time.  We got into Slidell about 6:30pm.  Had dinner, did devotions, and some people went to WalMart and ran other errands.  Howard went to pick up Bob from the airport, and as I am writing this, at 12:45 am, they just got in.  

We have a great team.  
25 people-
Many repeats.  Donna G. is back in charge of feeding us.  She has Kathy B. and Shirley T. helping her.  This is Shriley's first trip with us.  

Howard and Bob N., and Louie L. will be leading the work teams.  

Also new to the team this time are sisters in law, Mel and Mal, Paul M., a friend of Howards we call Dhoods from the Philippines, and Diane from Hector, MN.  

Returning to the team from previous trip or trips are:  Erin C., Rod St. and Ginger St., Shirley S., Ron C., Rob W., Krissy K., Paul A., Lewis Wl, "Vince" N., Annie Z., Leanne C., Carolynn "The Colonel" N., and me.  

This team has just seemed to gel very well already.  Everyone is very helpful, looking ahead to see what has to be done, helping carry things, responsive, and great to be with.  I am really excited about the work we will be able to accomplish this week.  

Tomorrow we find out for sure what our work assignments are.  I told them about Bob's love for cabinets so we'll see if they have any cabinet jobs.  

Prayers for our homeowners, our safety on the worksites, and also for Susan L.'s mom.  (Susan has been on one of our trips, but always helps with the trips behind the scenes).  Please also pray for Barbara S., who has been on many of our trips.  Barbara got a virus awhile back and hasn't been able to shake it.  Also pray for our families that didn't get to come with us on this trip.  

I am trying to figure out how to get more photos from people when they all take them on their phones now.  I have also made Louie L., Krissy K., Rob W., Louie L., and Diane D admins on our Facebook page.  If you follow River Bend Mission Team on FB, and it seems like multiple personalties posting, you are right.  If you're on FB and not following River Bend Mission Team, I would encourage you to do so!  

Thank you to everyone who is praying for us and supporting us.  


True faith is never found alone; it is accompanied by expectation.  --C.S. Lewis.

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