Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Crisfield 1- 3rd work day

The house we are knocking down is on the ground.  All we have to do now is pick up the pieces and put them in the dumpster.  Learning how that happens was pretty fascinating.  

I think when we do this, and all we write about is the good and happy joy joy smiles and sunshine, then it's telling the wrong story because in real life, things happen that stretch you.  Here's what happened:

We were asked to send half of our group to another house to start demo-ing it.  After a little group discussion, we decided that we preferred to stay on one house and assure we would finish.  Afterwards, I was called out on it, and I am grateful for the feedback from the concerned team member.  Really, our response should have been "whatever you want us to do.  We are here for you.  Whatever you think is best."  That's something we pride ourselves on.  But when it came down to it, I was more interested in being (more) assured we would finish a project.  (which is also important to us, but should be secondary)  Maybe a pride thing.  Maybe a team-unity thing.  I'm not sure.  But we stayed at the first house.  

We DID send Bob and Ron to a house on the next block to fix a fence.  It's one of those jobs that at first glance seemed easy squeezy.  But when it came to doing it, on closer look, there was more to it.  They started by cutting down some trees that were encroaching.  Tomorrow they will work more on propping up the lagging parts.  

Oh we had medical drama today.  Matthew stepped on a nail and punctured skin. We took him in to get a tetanus, but they didn't update it since it had been done eight years ago.  (I thought it was three years?)  He's fine.  His foot hurts a little, but they didn't have to cut it off.  

So back to the first house-  we started with half the roof on the house and all the walls, etc.  First we got the rest of the roof off.  Then we started knocking down the walls-  pulling them down, really.  Kevin from New York hooked up a chain and pulled a lot of them down with his wife's Chevy Truck.  He hopes she doesn't see this or the pictures.  

Met with the Pennsylvania team for dinner tonight.  Pretty delectable.  You would think it would be easy to find seafood on the Chesapeake Bay, but this town is pretty small and most of the restaurants are closed for the winter already.  We went to a place called "Little Ditty's"  which had decent food and a big enough room we could all eat in.  

We think that tomorrow we should be able to load up everything in the dumpsters and get the foundation out.  

Corrine and Krissy had to return to the Twin Cities today since they couldn't get the whole week off.  We miss them already.  They added a lot to our team.  In the morning, Kevin and Joe from New York have to head back to New York.  They have been great assets to our team and we are going to miss them AND look forward to working alongside them again sometime.  

If you want to see pictures, you can go to click here to see pictures

If you want to go our blog, or share it with people, you can click here for the blog

We also think it would be dang cool if you liked us on Facebook.  Search for "Riverbend Mission Team" And then encourage your friends to like us.  

As always, we are grateful for your partnership with us.  We think it is great that you are part of our team.  Don't be a silent partner.  Let us know you're there.  (I read your emails to the team at our devotions time a couple times each week.)  

God is good and we are amazed at what He is doing on our team this week.  

Prayer requests:
We are getting tired.  Prayers for energy to get us finished strong.  
Thanksgiving prayers for Matthew not being seriously injured, and safe arrival back in the Twin Cities for Krissy and Corrine.  
Prayers for safe travel for Kevin and Joe returning to New York.  
Prayers of thanksgiving for a really good trip.  We are a strong team with a lot of talent and a lot of unity and we are having fun together.  


True faith is never found alone; it is accompanied by expectation.  --C.S. Lewis.

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