Friday, October 11, 2013

Crisfield 1- The night before


I can't believe it's already time to hit the road again.  First let us say thank you a billion times over for supporting our team on our crowd funding campaign!  We met our goal and have enough money to get out out and back.  It was an interesting learning experience to try a crowd funding campaign.  

Our next trip leaves in the morning.  We had our Commissioning service by Kim O., who has been on one of our trips and a long time supporter of the River Bend Mission Team.  Her message was one of Hope.  I will remember the phrase, "Hope is not a strategy," meaning we have to put action and prayer toward what we hope for.  

This trip is different than our previous trips in that half of the team is from MN and half is from other states.  We are representing Minnesota, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, New York, and Louisiana.  This powerhouse team will accomplish a lot and create a really neat society of missionaries in Maryland.  

I spoke with the work coordinator from Maryland today.  He said he may put our whole team on a house demolition.  We'll see what happens when we get there.  

We leave in the morning and head to Findlay, OH, where we will be staying at the United Methodist Church.  They are providing us meals while we are there.  And my godmother makes AMAZING brownies...

We are grateful for your participation as we head out again.  Please pray for us.  Let us know you are alongside this week.  We look forward to meeting and serving the homeowner(s) we will be working for.  We look forward to sharing Jesus in tangible, practical ways.  

How can you pray for us?  Pray that we will be be able to accomplish the work God wants us to accomplish.  Pray for safe travel.  Pray for the people that have come alongside us through our crowd funding campaign.  Pray for the home owners we will be working for.  We are grateful for your participation.  

I'll post pictures once we get going.  There is no wifi at the church in MD we are staying at, so I might not get to send out each night.  

Like Riverbend Mission Team on Facebook for more updates about our trip.  Let us know you're along for the ride.  

The photo is of the logo that is on our shirts this trip.  

Here we go!!!


True faith is never found alone; it is accompanied by expectation.  --C.S. Lewis.

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