Saturday, July 08, 2006

July Something- at the coffee shop

I'm at the coffee shop thinking about other ways to help River Bend become more appealing to people. I come up with "program ideas" but in the long run, there's got to be something to hang on to these people with. So somebody comes to a cool event, what's to get them to come back to one of the churches. It makes me think that the whole "River Bend" thing needs to get something radical involved in it. I agree with John Mc. That it requires going back to basics. People come to church to get Jesus- or social- So what if they get a Bible study of mixed groups. - People from each church represented in each group. Train the leaders to do something good and start a cell group and then let it grow and divide. - Is this still a working model that is working in churches or has it been abandoned? I don't know.

I don't know what else to say about it.

Other ideas:

A music event- worship bands and choirs perform. (fundraiser for the mission trip?)
Cell Groups

I guess I don't have that many ideas.

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