So I've been wanting to start an organization that plans short term mission trips for adults. After some thought and prayer, I got the name, Thirsty Missions. My friend Kim wondered if I wasn't going to let the participants have any water. But really, it's from Matthew where Jesus says, "when I was thristy, you gave me something to drink." And basically, I guess I'm nervous about the whole thing. I mean, what if it's not the right name? I also thought of Phish Missions today. (PHISH stands for Proclaim, Honor, Involve, Strengthen, and Help- but I am stealing that from a youth ministry I was involved with several years ago.- BUT I helped create that purpose statement then, too- so it's already partially mine. Maybe.)
In the mean time, we are planning to go back to Biloxi this fall. How cool is that? The United Methodist camping director for MN offered to let us promo it in the fall camp brochure- but River Bend requested that we keep it to just us for now. - I have mixed feelings about this.
I have interest meetings coming up on Sunday the 9th, and Tuesday the 11th, and Thursday the 13th- Isn't it funny I have to work those nights? I wonder how I'm going to do that.
I feel funny about recruiting for this next mission trip in the summer. NOBODY is in church. But the ones that were there sang "Here I Am, Lord", so maybe I can take that as a sign.
This is my first Blog entry. I think it doesn't really say anything.
There you go on the credit thing again, Rod! Give yourself some!
"Thirsty Missions" is a PERFECT title for your organization! It describes those 'thirsty' for God, those trying to fill a need that they can't describe or explain, those hoping to quench someone else's 'thirst' (a.k.a. need/void, etc.). It came to you for a reason. It came to you NOW for a reason. While PHISH may be suitable too, this is YOUR organization, own it. Make it yours. Claim what it is, can be, should be, WILL BE!
You are correct, the Brantner's will not be joining this mission trip - a future one perhaps, but this one is just not going to work for us.
The blog is a GREAT idea - it may help to creat a place where people can post an idea, a thought, a comment (good, bad, or otherwise) and alleviate getting 50+ emails per day! We just have to remember to check back! Oh, and unless you want to create your own blog? When y'all want to leave a comment, choose "other" as your identity. Being a newcomer to the blogging world, I just created my own blog. Probably won't ever use it, but WHO KNOWS!? Maybe as a trip journal? - a way to keep in touch?
For anyone that would like to go out there & chat... My blog site is: http://yakkityschmackity.blogspot.com/
(Oh, and since it's newly created, there's nothing there to see just yet...)
Back to you Rod. Fred and I will help support the group from a distance. We'll be the Papa Perry's from home this time! I'm glad Jim's going! Maybe we could do devotions via the cell phone this time and Jim can hold the phone in his mouth while you're all holding hands and praying! SOMEONE TAKE A PICTURE OF THAT FOR US!!!
Anyway, best of luck and may every door be unlocked and as wide open as they were on the maiden voyage! May your thirsts be quenched physically, mentally, emotionally, visually, but most importantly - spiritually.
Ask and ye shall receive; seek and ye shall find...
Perhaps we should add to that: Attempt and ye shall succeed. There is no doubt in my mind that you will be successful yet again.
Thanks, Polly! You are the first "Blogger" to respond! I wish it posted right up there with the rest of them. I'll bet there is a way to do that later, but I don't know what it is.
Thanks for your words of encouragement. You guys will definately be missed (by me for sure)- I will run the idea of the cell phone in the mouth by Jim and see what he thinks. I will vote that we use his phone.
I think this is a cool way to do this.
Hey, Rod, Thirsty Missions is great! Although I'm not a blogger, I like your site. Karen
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