We arrived in Crisfield tonight after one easy day and one harder day of driving. Saturday morning we left the church at 6:20 am- a few minutes ahead of schedule. (a first?!?) Half hour down the road, somebody I won't name called for a bathroom stop. (It was Debbie). We gave her a hard time for it, but EVERYONE used the bathroom and Lewis went so far as to call her a hero. The rest of the day seemed to go by quickly.
We spent the night at a church in Maumee, OH. Great hospitality!
Up and on the road by 8:15 am. (used up the time we were early on yesterday?) We spent the same amount of time on the road today, but it seemed to go by slower or something. Great scenery going through the Allegheny Mountains and crossing the Chesapeake Bay. Had dinner at some hole in the wall Chinese restaurant (same place as last year!) and then to the base we are staying at.
There is another group staying here working from here this week also. And here is where you can see my attitude not be completely golden. I talked to their team leader last week and told them we had some older people and needed a few bottom bunks. Anyway, when we got here, we didn't find what we expected in terms of what they left for us. Would it be petty for me to explain what happened? Probably. So the point is that God did not call us to be comfortable or have everything our way. And as the great Polly Brantner once said, "YOU choose joy!" And so I am. It is good to be here in Crisfield again and getting ready to serve a homeowner with a great group of people that I love and love to be around. THAT is the point.
I have a few pictures that I took on the road with my phone, but not very many. I'll post them on Facebook so check us out there if you haven't already. -
Prayers for our team for safety as we get started on our work project tomorrow.
Prayers for our relationship with the team we are sharing the space with. May we all give glory to God and further His kingdom.
Prayers for our friend, Sandy Helms who is having a pretty major surgery on Monday morning. Sandy hosted us at her church in Findlay, OH the other times we came to Crisfield.
We are so glad you are part of this story with us!
Are you a tool?
Christ has no body on earth but yours,
no hands but yours,
no feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out;
yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good;
and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.
(St. Teresa of Avila)
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