What a day!
First I'll apologize for not getting any pictures up today. It is late and I have to pack because we're leaving first thing in the morning. And truthfully, it probably won't be until Monday. But I'll get them going.
Today we got as much done as we could with skirting the foundation of the house with styrofoam insulation and then hearty board. It's kind of like a cement board. The hard part was putting it up under the house along the perimeter of the deck. I know I won't explain it well, but suffice it to say that Howard and Jon and I were under the house on our bellies in a crawl space putting a wooden framework to hang the insulation, and then putting in said insulation. I only got claustrophobic once. Just as we were getting ready to clean up and pick up the tools, the guy in charge came by and asked us to get one part under the next porch done, so we did.
We left the job site around 1:00pm, went back, had lunch, and cleaned up. Bob wanted to spend some time debriefing the job, which is something he hasn't asked for before. When I write up the final piece, I'll talk about the issues we brought up and how we have left them. (Stay tuned!)
We went to the local museum and gift shop. Looked around. Bought a few things. Then drove around town for a few minutes. (It's not a big town.) Had some ice cream. And then went and parked by the dock and waited until 6:00pm when the homeowners we were working for joined us for dinner at a nearby restaurant. It was nice to spend time with them and get to know them a little better.
Then we were invited to the home of a local guy name Joe Pinto who offered beverages and snacks and talked with us about Crisfield history and some guesses about the future of Crisfield. It was really interesting. Joe is a fascinating guy and a fantastic host.
We just got back to where we stay and are cleaning up, packing up some, and heading to bed. We are going to get up early and try to leave here by 7:00am- which is an hour earlier than we usually do, but it's a long haul.
Pray for safe travel with tired drivers. Team unity with tired and worn out (physically and emotionally) people. Pray for our home owners, Mary and Monte and the next team that will come and work on their house.
Thank you for being with us and taking this trip with us. You are an invaluable part of our team.
Talk to you again in a couple days!
Are you a tool?
Christ has no body on earth but yours,
no hands but yours,
no feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out;
yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good;
and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.
(St. Teresa of Avila)
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