Well, it has happened again. We find ourselves in Marquette for another round of work on Jill and Ian's house. This is supposed to be the last one. Let's see if this team can wrap it up.
And actually, Ray and Roma (from Marquette1) and their spouses came up to the U.P. on Friday night, had a vacation day on Saturday, and worked today (Sunday) on Jill and Ian's house. Ray and Company installed a few more electrical outlets and hooked up the light switch to the dining room light that we took apart last time we were in town. (long story full of drama not worth repeating).
The team this week is mostly from Apple River Community Church in Amery, Wisconsin led by Pastor Justin Hosking. There is a long list of things we are going to accomplish this week.
There are also some veteran Minnesotan team people here in Marquette. Howard, Ron, Ginger, Erin and I are here. Justin's team has Justin, Larry, Annette, Marie, Bev, John L., John S., Hanna and Hannanai.
Most people are staying at an RV park right next door. (they are missing out on the Don and Dort Hospitality express!)
Did I tell you we are staying at Don and Dort's again? With 14, this will be the the largest Marquette team yet. Mealtimes will be interesting.
I'll keep you updated.
Please keep us in your prayers. There is a LOT to finish. We want to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and get done the things that are important. Pray for productivity, unity, and safety.
The new team hasn't done anything but arrive in town, so there aren't any real pictures to show.
But here we go!
Thanks for coming along for the ride.
Are you a tool?
Christ has no body on earth but yours,
no hands but yours,
not feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out;
your are the feet with which He is to go about doing good;
and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.
(St. Teresa of Avila)
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