Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Marquette 3- How things have progressed

It may not come as a surprise to anyone besides me that it is COLD here!  In August.  It was 56 degrees on one sign I saw when I drove to Menards.  That's great for March and April.  Not great for August.  

I posted some pictures on FB and on our Picasa site-  Links here:

We have gotten a lot done, but it seems slow to me.  I want to see results now.  I am nervous about not getting everything done that we need to get done.  They assure me that all is well and we are on track.  But just in case, three people went back to town tonight to get some things set up for tomorrow.  

The team is good-  14 strong until tomorrow.  From Wisconsin, there is Justin, Annette, Larry, Dan L., Dan S., Marie, Bev, Hanna and Hannania.  From MN, there is me, Howard, Ginger, Erin, and Ron.  

We have done things from running electrical to hanging more sheet rock, to taking out walls, to priming, to installing linoleum, to installing toilets, to replacing windows to filling in windows and installing siding, to putting in walls, tearing out wallpaper, and rerouting duct work.  

We have been lucky to be working with some professional plumbers and electricians who have been assigned to us from Swick Plumbing and Heating in Marquette.  The owner (former owner?) of Swick Plumbing and Heating is an old friend of Don and Dort's and volunteered to help out.  That has saved us a LOT of time.  

Don and Dort did a devotion last night and in it, there was a passage about not being afraid.  (Like Peter walking on water).  I have to keep bringing that up because there is  A LOT to do in this house.

Did I mention there is a LOT to do?  

We had pasties tonight and hung out at the lodge at the RV park next door to Don and Dort's.  Fun.  (Pasties from Jean Kay's.  The bomb - diggety!)

Prayer requests-
*Finances.  The supplies are adding up fast.  
*Our friend, Troll (from Marquette 1 and 2) called with a prayer request tonight.  If we can leave it at that, God knows what it is.  
*That we can see what good use of our time is so that we can flow from one thing into another without have to wait (for mud to dry or etc.)  
*Safety for travel for Larry and Annette and Marie who are going home in the morning because they have some other commitments.  

Let us know you're with us.  We'd love to hear from you!

Also-  Anyone want to go to Detroit towards the end of September to help work on houses there which were damaged in the flood of 2014?  Last I heard they need help still mucking out some houses.  

Ok-  that's all for now.  Thank you for being here with us.


Are you a tool?

Christ has no body on earth but yours,
no hands but yours,
not feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out;
your are the feet with which He is to go about doing good;
and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.  
(St. Teresa of Avila)

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