What's this? Only the 2nd email about this trip and we're almost done? Well, I haven't been very good about writing updates.
Work wise, we haven't gotten as much done as I hoped. And this makes me nervous about the next/last team and getting everything done we are trying to do. But let's take inventory....
In the kitchen- we took off the old ceiling and replaced it with new drywall. First coat of mud and tape. I was hoping to get it painted and the trip put back on, but that will have to wait until the next team. We also took off the first layer of floor (which is an older linoleum) - but with hardwood under that. The adhesives stick to the hardwood. We laid 1/4" luan on top of it and will put new linoleum on top of that. If someday, someone wants to get back to the hardwood, they can, but it will take a lot of work... We have also knocked out the wall between the kitchen and the living room. The next team will knock out one short wall and put cabinets where the wall used to be. Opening it up really did wonders for the house. There are electrical issues that have to be addressed by the next team. (Anyone want to come out the last week of August that is an electrician?- Ray Baker?)
The next team is going to put in cabinets and countertops. And finish the floor.
In the basement, we got done with Ian's room. walls, paint, door, trim, carpet, baseboard, and we built him a bed platform.
We did a lot of laundry today. Lots.
Which brings up my struggle for the week. During the time I was doing the laundry at the laundry mat, I kept thinking of how we will NOT do laundry again. And in fact, there should be a system in place where there is accountability, and systems of rewards and consequences and change so that this doesn't happen again. And then I remembered that we say that we don't have any expectations or strings attached to what we do. We just do it because it is the right thing to do and because it serves someone that Jesus loves. That's it. So I had to be deliberate of making sure I had no requirements about laundry (or any other response.)
We have spent some time playing in Marquette also. We went to Presque Isle Park where Troll and Erin and I jumped off the black rocks into Lake Superior. It is a beautiful park and we were there at sunset more than once.
We have one more day to work and get everything done we were shooting for.
As always- thank you for your prayers and support. We are grateful! Feel free to "Like" us on Facebook. (We're on Twitter and Instagram, but I never remember to post there- if anyone wants to come on the next trip to be the media person- talk to me- I have an AWESOME idea!) click here for our Facebook page
Here is the link to the pictures (which was fixed- thank you to Ly Lor for pointing out it didn't work the first time I posted it!) click here to see the pictures
Are you a tool?
Christ has no body on earth but yours,
no hands but yours,
not feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out;
your are the feet with which He is to go about doing good;
and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now.
(St. Teresa of Avila)
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